• (+351) 296 630 060 (Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)
  • geral@dionisio.pt

Terms and conditions

  1. General Conditions

1.1. The company Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, LDA., with its headquarters Rotunda de Belem s/n, São Roque, Ponta Delgada, legal person n ° 512000158, which is also its registration number at the Conservatória do Registo Comercial de Ponta Delgada, with 50 000 € of capital, is responsible for the dionisio.pt website (hereinafter “website”).

1.2. The user declares to accept and act in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of use described here, as well as with all future modifications, by using the service provided by Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda. in this website.

1.3. In the terms and conditions mentioned here, whenever the terms “we” or “our” are used, we refer to Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda. or dionisio.pt.. Whenever we use “you” or “yours”, we refer to anyone using www.dionisio.pt..

1.4. When accessing and using this website you are subject to the following Terms and Conditions, as well as our Privacy Policy. By browsing the website, the user agrees to comply with these Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with its content, the user is not allowed to access and use the website, and must terminate access and / or use immediately.

1.5. The customer should read carefully the Terms and Conditions each time accessing the site.

1.6. If you violate any of the terms included here, your right to access and use this website will be terminated immediately.

1.7. The contents of this website are protected by copyright and are the property of Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda. It is not allowed to use it in any way without our consent.


  1. Budget

2.1. Any quote is valid for 30 days from the date of dispatch, and may be subject to review after that time.

2.2. In the event of an error in the submitted quote, Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda. reserves the right, during its validity (30 days), to rectify it.

2.3. Any change at the customer’s request, service or expense that was not expressed in the initial budget, has an additional cost.


  1. Copyrights and Ownership

3.1. All the contents of this website, which includes texts, design, illustrations, logos, video, audio, photographs and other elements, are protected by law, under the Copyright and Related Rights Code. It is not permitted to display, reproduce, distribute, modify, transmit or use the contents in any way, for any public or commercial purpose, without our prior and express written consent.

3.2. The contents of this website are protected by Direitos de Autor e Direitos Conexos (Copyright and Related Rights), Direitos de Propriedade Industrial (Industrial Property Rights), by the Lei da Criminalidade Informática (Computer Crime Law) and are the property of Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda.

3.3. The work/projects copyrights will only be the property of the client, when finalized, approved and paid in full.

3.4. We reserve the right not to provide the customer with the editable files, fonts or other tools and software necessary for the production of the work/projects.

3.5. A Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda reserves the right to take legal action against the authors of any unauthorized copy, reproduction, dissemination or commercial exploitation of texts, design, illustrations, logos, video, audio, photographs and other elements, which ownership has not been transmitted to the customer.

3.6. The customer is responsible for ensuring that the materials provided by him for the execution of the work/projects do not infringe any third party’s Copyright or Industrial Property Rights and for any damages caused to A Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda, due to their improper use.


  1. Online Dispute Resolution

The European Union has created a website to support consumers to submit their complaints about any dispute in which they are involved. In this context, A Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda provides all the information so that you can exercise your right of complaint with an official entity, third and impartial to the process, (“dispute resolution entity”) that will help you to resolve the dispute in question.

So, if you were unhappy with the purchase of a good or service on our website, or with the solution we presented to resolve a situation, you can access this official website https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main /index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=PT and expose your dispute.

4.1. What is alternative dispute resolution?

Alternative dispute resolution is the possibility that all consumers have at their disposal to appeal to official entities that help them in the resolution, or guidance of any conflict, before opening litigious processes in court.

As a general rule, the procedure is as follows: the client asks an impartial third party to act as an intermediary between you and the trader who is the target of your complaint. The intermediary can suggest a solution to your complaint, impose a solution on both parties or bring the parties together to find a solution.

You may know the concept of alternative dispute resolution by another name: ‘mediation’, ‘conciliation’, ‘arbitration’ or ‘committee responsible for consumer disputes’.

Alternative dispute resolution is, as a rule, less expensive, less formal and faster than the judicial process.

Suggestions of Alternative Dispute Resolution Entities:

CNIACC – Centro Nacional de Informação e Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo



Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo de Lisboa



Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos de Consumo do Vale do Ave/Tribunal Arbitral


CIAB – Centro de Informação, Mediação e Arbitragem de Consumo (Tribunal Arbitral de Consumo)



CIMPAS – Centro de Informação, Mediação e Provedoria de Seguros



  1. Permitted Use / Prohibited Activities

Only access and use of this website is allowed for personal and non-commercial functions, that is, that the website should only be accessed and used by private individuals or by a company that intends to purchase our services / products or company on their behalf.

Any activities that are considered by us to be inappropriate and / or that are likely to be illegal under the legislation applicable to this website are prohibited, including, but not limited to:

5.1. Hurt, abuse, defame, threaten or harass another person or company, or in a manner that invades the privacy of others, or that is obscene, offensive, hateful, indecent, inappropriate, objectionable, unacceptable, discriminatory or harmful.

5.2. Actions that may constitute a breach of privacy, such as sending private information to this site without the consent of the affected person or any other legal rights of individuals.

5.3. Send files containing virus to this website that may cause damage to the property of A Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda or the property of individuals or modify or reverse engineer any part of the website.

5.4. Use any type of automatic computer code, process, program, robot, internet crawler, spider, data processor, drag or screen scraping alternatives to computer codes, processes, programs or systems.

5.5. The use of the website for illegal purposes or any other purpose that may be considered unworthy of our image is expressly prohibited. Usurpation, counterfeiting, use of usurped or counterfeit content, illegitimate identification and unfair competition are criminally punishable.


  1. Contents and Warranties

6.1. The information on this website has been included in good faith and is for general information only, its use being at the sole risk of the user.

6.2. This website and its contents are provided without guarantees of any kind, that is, there is no guarantee that access to this website will be uninterrupted or error-free, free from viruses or other harmful material, or that the information contained on this website are complete, accurate or timely.

6.3. A Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda reserves the right to make changes and corrections, suspend or close the website when deemed appropriate and without the need for any prior notice.

6.4. A Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda does not previously filter or monitor the content transmitted to this website by third parties and is not responsible for filtering or monitoring any content of this type.

6.5. If notified, A Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda may investigate an allegation that the content transmitted to this website is in violation of the Terms and Conditions and may determine whether it will cause the information to be removed from this website.

6.6. A Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda assumes no responsibility or liability for any action or content transmitted by or between the user or any third party inside or outside this website.


  1. Responsibility, Use and Risk

7.1. The way you use this website and the contents contained therein is entirely at your own risk.

7.2. A Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda and all its directors, employees and agents, as well as any other party involved in the creation, production, maintenance or implementation of this website, will not be liable to any user of the website, for any possible damage, loss or injury (including any loss of profit and moral, indirect, accidental or consequential loss) arising from the correct or incorrect use of this website and its content, access to the user’s computer or computer system by third parties, viruses, etc.

This website contains links to third party websites. These links are provided solely for the convenience and accessibility of the user. We do not endorse the content of any of these third-party websites and are not responsible for the content of any of those websites. Accessing and visiting any of these third-party websites is at your own risk.


  1. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

A Dionisio Carreiro de Almeida, Lda and the user of this website accept, without reservation, that any dispute resulting from the use of this website will be governed by Portuguese law.

Last updated on: 11/03/2021